First Impressions Team

Front Door Greeters:

This friendly team loves people and makes them feel at home here at All Nations Church. They are the first people our guests see by welcoming with a smile, encouragement, and personal touch so that hearts are open to the Gospel message.

Atmosphere Team:

This passionate crew floats around our facility, holding fun signs & connecting with people as they arrive. They create a positive and fun environment as people walk through the door.

All Nations Café: 

This energetic team serves by providing beverages to the guests of All Nations Church. They enjoy connecting with guests through a warm welcome and authentic conversation.

Parking Team: 

This team is truly on the front lines. Sun, rain, snow and everything in between, this team is outside directing traffic and making sure everyone feels comfortable and welcome as they approach the building. It might be helping someone know where to go, offering an umbrella to keep a family dry or simply smiling, waving, and being friendly.

Info Bar:

This team connects guests to the church community, providing information on all of our current events, ministry opportunities and services at All Nations.

Service Hosts:

These men and women prepare people for a positive worship experience by welcoming and assisting them to a seat, facilitating the offering and maintaining a distraction-free environment.  


Worship Team