We have a 3X33 vision for the region, by 2033 we hope to have 3000 people from our region call All Nations Church home.

To continue to make space for you to bring your nation to Jesus, we are pursuing a couple of strategies.
The first is an addition to our current facility that will include a large auditorium and an indoor playground. The second is to develop a team to launch and additional campus within the RMWB.

Please prayerfully consider how you can support us with your Legacy Offering as we continue to bring all nations to Jesus.

We are excited to share our vision with you for the future of All Nations Church in Wood Buffalo. We have three Legacy Lanes through which you can help us accomplish our mission of bringing all nations to Jesus. Your giving will determine the pace of our impact in these areas. Our legacy lanes are:

  1. Our Home

  2. Outreach

    • Regional

    • National

    • Global

  3. Leadership Development

    • Youth Nation

    • Campus Team

We will never pressure you to give, however, we will always ask our people to ask God what they should give. Your giving will set the pace, and debt financing is not an option. If you’d like to share in the blessing with us and bring more people to Jesus our preferred method is that you send an e-transfer to give@allnationschurch.co . You can also give in person at 104 Brett Drive Sunday to Thursday from 9-2pm or online here.